Bargaining Ruwais seafood market

(See the previous post :

We are in Ruwais Complex Housing area. I am Sol are rushing to the seafood market for lunch, because we didn’t have any breakfast and the scorching weather even makes us exhausted.

In spite of the fountains, why do I still feel baked?

Check. the restaurant we are supposed to cook and eat our lunch. We have to go into the market to buy the ingredients first.

Continue reading “Bargaining Ruwais seafood market”

Brauhaus, the taste of ‘Schweinshaxe’ in Abu Dhabi

(See the previous post – updated soon)


As usual, we were having hard working on this week, so we decided to reward ourselves on this weekend. We arrived in Abu Dhabi city yesterday night and one night passed already, but I am not depressed, because we still have a dinner of ‘Schweinshaxe’!

Based on our information about the Schweinshaxe, the restaurant serves Schweinshaxe and beers from 5pm and should be reserved for any seats in the restaurant earlier because there are limited seat availabilty.

Continue reading “Brauhaus, the taste of ‘Schweinshaxe’ in Abu Dhabi”

the first impression in Tanzania & Uvikiuta -2

(See the first story on


새벽 5시 넘어서 눈이 벌써 뜬 것 같은데 일어나보니 벌써 5시 30분이 다 되가는 것 같았다. 얼른 씻었는데, 가져온 드라이기는 사용 안하고 그냥 나와야 했다.(화장실에 전기 콘센트가 없고 Herman이 같이 자는 방 안에만 있으니 콘센트 꽂아서 쓰기가 여간 불편한게 아니다…)

It seemed that i waked up 5:00 in the morning and it was already 5:30(there was not an electric outlet in the bathroom but it was in the same room where he sleeps, so I do not feel comfortable using my dryer by plugging in the outlet …)

약속시간에 맞춰 택시는 새벽 6시 즈음에 이미 대기하고 있었다. 구글 맵으로 찾아보니 Ubongo Bus Terminal은 공항보다도 한참 북쪽에 있었다. 북쪽으로 가는 버스는 다 여기서 가는 것 같은데, Uvikiuta Center 위치가 너무 남쪽에 있어서 비효율적인 것 같았다.

As Helen said, the taxi was already waiting around 6 o’clock in the morning. The Ubongo Bus Terminal was located farther north than the airport. The buses going to the north region seems to be all departing from the bus station, as the location of Uvikiuta Center was too south, it seemed inefficient.

Continue reading “the first impression in Tanzania & Uvikiuta -2”

the first impression in Tanzania & Uvikiuta – 1

점심 즈음 Dar Es Salaam 국제공항 도착홀 앞. 사실 탄자니아에 대해 제대로 느껴보기도 전에 지쳐버렸다(이전 글 링크 참조) 하지만 이미 비행기는 떠나버렸고… Dodoma로 가는 버스를 알아보는 수 밖에 없었다.

I was in front of arrival hall of Dar Es Salaam international airport about lunch. In fact, I was tired before I even had an impression about Tanzania (see the previous post) but the plane had already left … I had no choice but to find the bus to Dodoma.


공항에 와서 가장 먼저 할 일이 현지화 인출이다. 최대 400,000실링(약 20만원) 밖에 안되서 다른 ATM을 시도해봐도 마찬가지이다. 2번 뽑으면 수수료가 배로 나갈텐데.. 나중에 더 좋은 ATM이 있을 수도 있으니 1번만 인출해야겠다.. ㅠ

The first thing to do when I come to the airport is a cash withdrawal. The maximum is 400,000 TZR (about 200,000 KRW), but the same for another ATM also. If you take 2 times, the commission fee will be doubled. I may withdraw only once because there may be better ATM later.

Continue reading “the first impression in Tanzania & Uvikiuta – 1”

에띠하드 항공 수화물 지연 (Etihad Airways Check-in Baggage delay)

(Both English and Korean are available)

에띠하드 항공 이용하시는 분들 주의하시기 바랍니다. 에띠하드 항공에서 수화물 문제로 864.10AED(=235.3204USD)나 손해를 보았네요. 빨리 보상 받았으면 좋겠네요.

(자세한 내용은 아래 전문 참조)


Be cautious to use Etihad Airways! Because of their negligence, I lost as much as 864.10 AED(=235.3204USD)! I hope they compensate the amount very soon.

(See the detail below)

Continue reading “에띠하드 항공 수화물 지연 (Etihad Airways Check-in Baggage delay)”

Time Square, 뉴욕의 밤 풍경 (New York’s Night View)

롬바르디 피자 먹고 배도 불렀겠다… 날이 좀 더 어둑해지기 전에 그곳에 꼭 가보고 싶다고 생각하여 빨리 발 길을 옮기기 시작했다.

I was so full after Lombardi’s pizza, then i rushed to go there before it becomes dark.


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여느 곳과 다를 바가 없이 여기서도 지하철 밴드를 본다.

There is a metro band in New York also.

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Lombardi’s America First Pizzeria

호스텔 체크인하니 3시 좀 넘은 시간이었다. 911테러 박물관에서 ‘”Uncommon Courage: First Responders on 9/11″ Museum Tour’ 라는 투어가 오후 4시에만 딱 하나 있었는데, 호스텔 방에 들어올 때까지 고민하다가 고민하는 사이에 시간이 지나버려서… 911테러 박물관까지도 지하철 타고 30분 정도 거리였기에(지도상으로 가까울 것 같았는데 대중교통으로 30분이라니… 생각보다 맨해튼이 넓은 곳이라는걸 느꼈다.) 그냥 가기를 포기했다.(사실 이런저런 핑계이고, 별로 가고 싶은 투어가 아니었지만 월스트리트 투어까지 날려버리고 대안으로 생각하게 된 게 저것이다.)

It’s more than 3pm when i checked in the hostel. I was hesitating if i attend a tour in 11st September museum named ‘”Uncommon Courage: First Responders on 9/11″ Museum Tour’ scheduled on 4pm. But i was not willing to go there(i already missed my wall street tour and feeling not good) and it took around 30 mins to the venue, whick was not enough to decide and get there)

Continue reading “Lombardi’s America First Pizzeria”